2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
# MISP 2.5 upgrade for MISP 2.4 installations on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
# For other Ubuntu versions, make sure that you first dist-upgrade to 24.04.
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
# This guide liberally borrows from three sources:
# - The previous iterations of the official MISP installation guide, which can be found at: https://misp.github.io/MISP
# - The automisp install guide by @da667, which can be found at: https://github.com/da667/AutoMISP/blob/master/auto-MISP-ubuntu.sh
# - MISP-docker by @ostefano, which can be found at: https://github.com/MISP/MISP-docker
# Thanks to both Tony Robinson (@da667), Stefano Ortolani (@ostefano) and Steve Clement (@SteveClement) for their awesome work!
# This installation script assumes that you are installing as root, or a user with sudo access.
random_string( ) {
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1
# Configure the following variables in advance for your environment
## required settings - please change all of these, failing to do so will result in a non-working installation or a highly insecure installation
MISP_PATH = '/var/www/MISP'
APACHE_USER = 'www-data'
### Supervisor settings
SUPERVISOR_USER = 'supervisor'
SUPERVISOR_PASSWORD = " $( random_string) "
### PHP settings
upload_max_filesize = "50M"
post_max_size = "50M"
max_execution_time = "300"
memory_limit = "2048M"
# Some helper functions shamelessly copied from @da667's automisp install script.
logfile = /var/log/misp_upgrade.log
mkfifo ${ logfile } .pipe
tee < ${ logfile } .pipe $logfile &
exec & > ${ logfile } .pipe
rm ${ logfile } .pipe
function install_packages( )
install_params = ( " $@ " )
for i in " ${ install_params [@] } " ;
sudo apt-get install -y " $i " & >> $logfile
error_check " $i installation "
function error_check
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
print_ok " $1 successfully completed. "
print_error " $1 failed. Please check $logfile for more details. "
exit 1
function error_check_soft
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
print_ok " $1 successfully completed. "
print_error " $1 failed. Please check $logfile for more details. This is not a blocking failure though, proceeding... "
function print_status ( )
echo -e " \x1B[01;34m[STATUS]\x1B[0m $1 "
function print_ok ( )
echo -e " \x1B[01;32m[OK]\x1B[0m $1 "
function print_error ( )
echo -e " \x1B[01;31m[ERROR]\x1B[0m $1 "
function os_version_check ( )
# Check if we're on Ubuntu 24.04 as expected:
UBUNTU_VERSION = $( lsb_release -a | grep Release | grep -oP '[\d-]+.[\d-]+$' )
if [ [ " $UBUNTU_VERSION " != "24.04" ] ] ; then
print_error "This upgrade tool expects you to be running Ubuntu 24.04. If you are on a prior upgrade of Ubuntu, please make sure that you upgrade your distribution first, then execute this script again."
exit 1
function print_notification ( )
echo -e " \x1B[01;33m[NOTICE]\x1B[0m $1 "
BLUE = "\033[1;34m"
NC = "\033[0m"
echo -e " ${ BLUE } ███╗ ███╗ ${ NC } ██╗███████╗██████╗ "
echo -e " ${ BLUE } ████╗ ████║ ${ NC } ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗ "
echo -e " ${ BLUE } ██╔████╔██║ ${ NC } ██║███████╗██████╔╝ "
echo -e " ${ BLUE } ██║╚██╔╝██║ ${ NC } ██║╚════██║██╔═══╝ "
echo -e " ${ BLUE } ██║ ╚═╝ ██║ ${ NC } ██║███████║██║ "
echo -e " ${ BLUE } ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ${ NC } ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝ "
echo -e "v2.5 Upgrade on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS"
save_settings( ) {
echo " [ $( date) ] MISP installation
[ MISP internal]
" | tee /var/log/misp_upgrade_settings.txt &>> $logfile
print_notification "Settings saved to /var/log/misp_upgrade_settings.txt"
print_status "Updating base system..."
sudo apt-get update & >> $logfile
sudo apt-get upgrade -y & >> $logfile
error_check "Base system update"
print_status "Checking if we're on the correct branch of MISP and updating it to the latest 2.4 release..."
sudo chown -R ${ APACHE_USER } :${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH }
sudo chown -R ${ APACHE_USER } :${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /.git
cd ${ MISP_PATH }
git config --global --add safe.directory ${ MISP_PATH }
CURRENT_MISP_BRANCH = $( sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
if [ $CURRENT_MISP_BRANCH != "2.4" ] ; then
print_error "You are not on the 2.4 branch of MISP. This upgrade script is meant to take your MISP 2.4 installation to 2.5+. Please switch to the 2.4 branch before running this script."
# exit 1
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } git pull origin 2.4 & >> $logfile
error_check "Updating MISP to the latest 2.4 release"
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin runUpdates & >> $logfile
error_check_soft "Updating MISP's database to the latest 2.4 release's schema"
2025-01-13 11:09:43 -03:00
print_status "Installing apt packages (supervisor jq python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv)..."
declare -a packages = ( supervisor jq python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv ) ;
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
install_packages ${ packages [@] }
error_check "Basic dependencies installation"
print_status "Installing PHP and the list of required extensions..."
declare -a packages = ( php8.3 php8.3-cli php8.3-dev php8.3-xml php8.3-mysql php8.3-opcache php8.3-readline php8.3-mbstring php8.3-zip \
php8.3-intl php8.3-bcmath php8.3-gd php8.3-redis php8.3-gnupg php8.3-apcu libapache2-mod-php8.3 php8.3-curl ) ;
install_packages ${ packages [@] }
PHP_ETC_BASE = /etc/php/8.3
PHP_INI = ${ PHP_ETC_BASE } /apache2/php.ini
error_check "PHP and required extensions installation."
print_status "Disabling/Enabling php apache module (trial and error like a monkey)..."
sudo a2dismod php7.0 & >> $logfile
sudo a2dismod php7.1 & >> $logfile
sudo a2dismod php7.2 & >> $logfile
sudo a2dismod php7.3 & >> $logfile
sudo a2dismod php7.4 & >> $logfile
sudo a2enmod php8.3 & >> $logfile
error_check "PHP 8.3 module enabling"
# Install composer and the composer dependencies of MISP
print_status "Installing composer..."
## make pip and composer happy
sudo mkdir /var/www/.cache/ & >> $logfile
sudo chown -R ${ APACHE_USER } :${ APACHE_USER } /var/www/.cache/ & >> $logfile
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer -o /tmp/composer-setup.php & >> $logfile
COMPOSER_HASH = ` curl -sS https://composer.github.io/installer.sig`
php -r " if (hash_file('SHA384', '/tmp/composer-setup.php') === ' $HASH ') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL; " & >> $logfile
sudo php /tmp/composer-setup.php --install-dir= /usr/local/bin --filename= composer & >> $logfile
error_check "Composer installation"
2025-01-13 10:16:46 -03:00
print_status "Configuring PHP settings..."
for key in upload_max_filesize post_max_size max_execution_time max_input_time memory_limit
sudo sed -i " s/^\( $key \).*/\1 = $( eval echo \$ { $key } ) / " $PHP_INI
sudo sed -i "s/^\(session.sid_length\).*/\1 = 32/" $PHP_INI
sudo sed -i "s/^\(session.use_strict_mode\).*/\1 = 1/" $PHP_INI
sudo sed -i "s/^\(session.save_handler\).*/\1 = redis/" $PHP_INI
sudo sed -i "/session.save_handler/a session.save_path = 'tcp:\/\/localhost:6379'/" $PHP_INI
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
sudo service apache2 restart
error_check "Apache restart"
print_ok "PHP8.3 configured..."
print_status "Installing PECL extensions..."
sudo pecl channel-update pecl.php.net & >> $logfile
sudo pecl install brotli & >> $logfile
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
error_check_soft "PECL brotli extension installation"
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
sudo pecl install simdjson & >> $logfile
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
error_check_soft "PECL simdjson extension installation"
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
sudo pecl install zstd & >> $logfile
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
error_check_soft "PECL zstd extension installation"
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
if [ " $INSTALL_SSDEEP " = "true" ] ; then
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
sudo apt install make -y & >> $logfile
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
error_check_soft "The installation of make"
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
git clone --recursive --depth= 1 https://github.com/JakubOnderka/pecl-text-ssdeep.git /tmp/pecl-text-ssdeep
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
error_check_soft "Jakub Onderka's PHP8 SSDEEP extension cloning"
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
cd /tmp/pecl-text-ssdeep && phpize && ./configure && make && make install
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
error_check_soft "Jakub Onderka's PHP8 SSDEEP extension compilation and installation"
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
print_status "Switching to the 2.5 branch"
cd ${ MISP_PATH }
git fetch origin 2.5 & >> $logfile
error_check "Fetching 2.5 branch"
git checkout 2.5 & >> $logfile
error_check "Checking out 2.5 branch"
print_status "Cloning MISP submodules..."
sudo git config --global --add safe.directory ${ MISP_PATH } & >> $logfile
sudo git -C ${ MISP_PATH } submodule update --init --recursive & >> $logfile
error_check "MISP submodules cloning"
sudo git -C ${ MISP_PATH } submodule foreach --recursive git config core.filemode false & >> $logfile
sudo chown -R ${ APACHE_USER } :${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } & >> $logfile
sudo chown -R ${ APACHE_USER } :${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /.git & >> $logfile
print_ok "MISP's submodules cloned."
print_status "Installing MISP composer dependencies..."
cd ${ MISP_PATH } /app
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } rm -f composer.lock
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } composer install --no-dev --no-interaction --prefer-dist & >> $logfile
error_check "MISP composer dependencies installation"
print_status "Reworking the MISP database.php file"
cd ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Config
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } cp -a database.php database.php.bk & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } cp -a database.default.php database.php & >> $logfile
declare -a dbsettings = ( "datasource" "persistent" "host" "login" "port" "password" "database" "prefix" "encoding" )
for i in " ${ dbsettings [@] } "
# Hacky AF. I have brought great shame on my family.
TEMPVALUE = $( cat " ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Config/database.php.bk " | grep " ' $i ' => " | grep -v "//'" | grep -v '*' )
sed -i " /' $i ' =>/c ${ TEMPVALUE } " database.php & >> $logfile
print_ok "MISP database.php file rewritten."
print_status "Running MISP updates"
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin runUpdates & >> $logfile
error_check "MISP schema updates"
print_status "Setting up Python environment for MISP (Re-create)"
# Remove previously venv
if [ -d " ${ MISP_PATH } /venv " ] ; then
rm -rf ${ MISP_PATH } /venv
# Create a python3 virtualenv again
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } virtualenv -p python3 ${ MISP_PATH } /venv & >> $logfile
error_check "Python virtualenv creation"
cd ${ MISP_PATH }
. ./venv/bin/activate & >> $logfile
error_check "Python virtualenv activation"
# install python dependencies
${ MISP_PATH } /venv/bin/pip install -r ${ MISP_PATH } /requirements.txt & >> $logfile
error_check "Python dependencies installation"
chown -R ${ APACHE_USER } :${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /venv
print_status "Setting up background workers"
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "MISP.redis_serializer" "JSON" & >> $logfile
error_check_soft "Switching to JSON redis serializer"
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
SUPERVISOR_ALREADY_ENABLED = $( ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin getSetting SimpleBackgroundJobs.enabled | jq -r '.value' )
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
if [ " $SWITCH_TO_SUPERVISOR " = "true" ] && [ " $SUPERVISOR_ALREADY_ENABLED " != "true" ] ; then
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
sudo echo "
[ inet_http_server]
port =
password = $SUPERVISOR_PASSWORD " | sudo tee -a /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf &>> $logfile
sudo echo " [group:misp-workers]
programs = default,email,cache,prio,update
[ program:default]
directory = $MISP_PATH
command = $MISP_PATH /app/Console/cake start_worker default
process_name = %( program_name) s_%( process_num) 02d
numprocs = 5
autostart = true
autorestart = true
redirect_stderr = false
stderr_logfile = $MISP_PATH /app/tmp/logs/misp-workers-errors.log
stdout_logfile = $MISP_PATH /app/tmp/logs/misp-workers.log
directory = $MISP_PATH
[ program:prio]
directory = $MISP_PATH
command = $MISP_PATH /app/Console/cake start_worker prio
process_name = %( program_name) s_%( process_num) 02d
numprocs = 5
autostart = true
autorestart = true
redirect_stderr = false
stderr_logfile = $MISP_PATH /app/tmp/logs/misp-workers-errors.log
stdout_logfile = $MISP_PATH /app/tmp/logs/misp-workers.log
directory = $MISP_PATH
[ program:email]
directory = $MISP_PATH
command = $MISP_PATH /app/Console/cake start_worker email
process_name = %( program_name) s_%( process_num) 02d
numprocs = 5
autostart = true
autorestart = true
redirect_stderr = false
stderr_logfile = $MISP_PATH /app/tmp/logs/misp-workers-errors.log
stdout_logfile = $MISP_PATH /app/tmp/logs/misp-workers.log
directory = $MISP_PATH
[ program:update]
directory = $MISP_PATH
command = $MISP_PATH /app/Console/cake start_worker update
process_name = %( program_name) s_%( process_num) 02d
numprocs = 1
autostart = true
autorestart = true
redirect_stderr = false
stderr_logfile = $MISP_PATH /app/tmp/logs/misp-workers-errors.log
stdout_logfile = $MISP_PATH /app/tmp/logs/misp-workers.log
directory = $MISP_PATH
[ program:cache]
directory = $MISP_PATH
command = $MISP_PATH /app/Console/cake start_worker cache
process_name = %( program_name) s_%( process_num) 02d
numprocs = 5
autostart = true
autorestart = true
redirect_stderr = false
stderr_logfile = $MISP_PATH /app/tmp/logs/misp-workers-errors.log
stdout_logfile = $MISP_PATH /app/tmp/logs/misp-workers.log
user = $APACHE_USER " | sudo tee -a /etc/supervisor/conf.d/misp-workers.conf &>> $logfile
sudo systemctl restart supervisor & >> $logfile
# Configure background workers
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.enabled" 1 & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.redis_host" '' & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.redis_port" 6379 & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.redis_database" 13 & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.redis_password" "" & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.redis_namespace" "background_jobs" & >> $logfile
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.redis_serializer" "JSON" & >> $logfile
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.supervisor_host" "localhost" & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.supervisor_port" 9001 & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.supervisor_user" ${ SUPERVISOR_USER } & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "SimpleBackgroundJobs.supervisor_password" ${ SUPERVISOR_PASSWORD } & >> $logfile
error_check "Background workers setup"
2025-01-13 11:56:17 -03:00
print_status "Defaults for Security in MISP"
# Force defaults to make MISP Server Settings less GREEN
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "debug" 0 & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.auth_enforced" false & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.log_each_individual_auth_fail" false & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.rest_client_baseurl" "" & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.advanced_authkeys" true & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.password_policy_length" 12 & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.password_policy_complexity" '/^((?=.*\\d)|(?=.*\\W+))(?![\\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$|.{16,}/' & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.self_registration_message" "If you would like to send us a registration request, please fill out the form below. Make sure you fill out as much information as possible in order to ease the task of the administrators." & >> $logfile
# Appease the security audit, #hardening
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.disable_browser_cache" true & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.check_sec_fetch_site_header" true & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.csp_enforce" true & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.advanced_authkeys" true & >> $logfile
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin setSetting "Security.do_not_log_authkeys" true & >> $logfile
print_ok "MISP Security configured"
2024-11-04 15:11:02 -03:00
print_status "Ingesting JSON structures"
sudo -u ${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /app/Console/cake Admin updateJSON & >> $logfile
error_check "JSON structures ingestion"
# Restart apache
sudo systemctl restart apache2 & >> $logfile
error_check "Apache restart"
print_status "Finalising MISP setup..."
sudo chown -R ${ APACHE_USER } :${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } & >> $logfile
sudo chown -R ${ APACHE_USER } :${ APACHE_USER } ${ MISP_PATH } /.git & >> $logfile
2024-11-25 11:13:45 -03:00
print_notification "MISP setup complete. Thank you, and have a very safe, and productive day."